Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Pain and injury are unfortunately a part of our lives. Many sports people will know the frustration of missing the marathon they have been training half the year for through injury. Others of us know only too well the impact that sitting at our desk grappling with our computer can have on our back and neck. 80% of us will have significant discomfort or injury in our spines at some stage in our lives.
Physiotherapy aims to address these issues and help you to achieve your goals without the pain and injury.
Physiotherapy is a hands-on, drug-free approach to the treatment and management of injury and pain. With the correct treatment, advice, and care, injuries can heal more quickly, and with less risk of recurrences. With a full and detailed assessment the underlying cause of pain can be pin-pointed and treamtent can be directed at resolving the problems behind the pain.
Treatment may then involve mobilisation or manipulation of the joints, massage of tight soft tissues, electrotherapy to resolve swelling or spasm, and exercise to correct the body's movement patterns and allow full painfree return to function.