Video Analysis
Sarah has used video analysis extensively over the last 10 years to analyse the body's movement, and link problems with movement to injury and pain.
“And here, this comparison frame taken while running on the treadmill shows a drop of the pelvis during right stance, and poor heel lift on the right. This was indicating reduced core strength and in particular poor control of the right gluteal muscle, causing the back and hip to tighten, and give hip pain. “
“For example, this man came to my clinic having been told he had a disc injury in his back. His video assessment seems to imply there is a problem with the strength around his right hip or pelvis as he is unable to squat on his right leg without his knee rotating in towards the other knee. After investigations it was found he infact had early degenerative arthritis of his right hip joint, which was causing loss of strength, and pain in his back and hip.”
Once these discoveries have been made, an appropriate treatment plan can be developed, and the source of the pain or dysfunction can be addressed.